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Facilitate discussions between ecosystem stakeholders to identify and address gaps, leveraging the investor perspective.
AEC has taken on the role of facilitator in discussions between various stakeholders in the tech community – with the aim of improving
the quality of deal flow. By staying active in ecosystem discussions and seeking out best practices, we can better understand the gaps which exist in the ecosystem. This helps us devise strategies to address these gaps to better foster entrepreneurial growth and encourage targeted investment in Alberta startups. For 2022/23 we expanded on this strategy to include leveraging the investor perspective. Based on learnings from last year, it was identified that AEC is uniquely positioned to identify and address gaps due to the insights we gain through deep relationships with the broader VC community.
Collect and share data on the tech ecosystem to enable data-backed decision making and identify gaps in the technology ecosystem.
Data provides an objective outlook on where the tech ecosystem in Alberta is, relative to where
it should be. The startups, service providers
and investors collectively have the data that government funders and decision makers need to guide initiatives and policies that enable ecosystem growth. The data will also be used to inform our investment team, ensuring a match between capital and available deal flow. For 2022/23 the sub-strategy of sharing/ creating better access to deal flow with funds was added. The goal of providing portfolio and external funds with easier access to quality deals through data sharing builds a tighter knit community built on trust and collaboration.
Support initiatives for investor education.
This strategy is new for 2022/23. With Venture Capital being the highest performing asset
class within private equity funds in 202016, many high-net-worth individuals and family offices
are seeking exposure to this asset class. We heard firsthand from many individuals with deep expertise in real estate, energy, and agriculture that they didn’t understand valuations, portfolio construction or how to begin with diligence or composing aligned term sheets. Organizing and supporting initiatives that promote knowledge sharing, deal sharing, mentorship and education can help unlock this relatively untapped source of early-stage or LP capital.
Venture Capital Journal Article: 1 June 2021
   Our strategies drive toward achieving the following outcomes:
Intermediate outcomes (for fiscal 2022/23):
1. A highly connected ecosystem (connecting investors to entrepreneurs and investors to investors)
2. Greater access to relevant resources for tech companies
3. A knowledgeable and engaged Alberta VC industry
4. A stronger Alberta VC and technology ecosystem profile in the province and beyond
Ultimate outcome (beyond fiscal 2022/23):
5. A thriving and self-sustaining VC industry in Alberta
In addition, we measure our results by using our own Key Performance Indicators with set targets.
2022 2023

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