Page 41 - Demo
P. 41

 2022 2023
AEC’s management is responsible for the preparation, accuracy, objectivity and integrity of the information contained in the annual report, including the financial statements, performance results, and supporting management information. Systems of internal control are designed
and maintained to produce reliable information that meets reporting requirements, and to ensure that transactions are properly authorized, reliable financial records are maintained, assets are properly accounted for and safeguarded, and relevant legislation and policies are complied with. Corporate business plans, performance results and the supporting management information are also integral to both financial and performance reporting.
The annual report has been approved by the Board of Directors and is prepared in accordance with Ministerial guidelines.
The Auditor General of Alberta, the Corporation’s external auditor appointed under the Auditor General Act, performs an annual independent audit of AEC’s financial statements in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards.
[Original Signed by Kristina Williams]
Kristina Williams
President and CEO June 2, 2023
[Original Signed by Jennie Allen]
Jennie Allen
Chief Financial Officer June 2, 2023

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