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Alberta Profiles
Alberta’s technology landscape is rich with innovators, leaders and visionaries who are changing our understanding of what is possible both here at home, and around the world.
Among these forward thinkers are those who are guiding Venture Capital funds and serving as agents of change in our province. We would like to introduce you to four talented diverse individuals who share an innate ability to identify and nurture companies that are disrupting the conventional way of doing things. While they come from diverse backgrounds, all exemplify the Future Now mindset that is helping to transform the Alberta economy.
Ha Nguyen
Ha’s journey with McRock Capital began due to a serendipitous introduction to the firm’s founders at a speed networking event for newly immigrated skilled workers. Ha joined the firm in 2017. Less than six years later, she became a partner.
In her new role, Ha provides strategic decision-making, actively participating in shaping the firm’s investment strategy and direction. She is involved in a number of portfolio companies’ boards and committees and plays a key role in market identification, deal origination and fostering investor relations. We asked about her experience with McRock in Alberta.
      AEC: What advantages does McRock Capital bring to Alberta?
Ha Nguyen: There are three areas that stand out. First, is our Sector Focus and Industry Experience. McRock Capital specializes in the Digital Industrial sector, with a focus and deep understanding of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) investments. This expertise allows us to identify and support promising Alberta-based startups – fostering growth and driving technological advancements in this area.
Next is our Global Network of industry leaders, entrepreneurs, and strategic partners. This provides our portfolio companies with access to a broad range of resources, expertise, and potential customers. By leveraging our extensive network,
we can help Alberta-based startups expand their reach and tap into global opportunities.
Finally, we’re committed to nurturing and investing in Alberta’s technology ecosystem.
AEC: What makes you excited about the Alberta technology sector?
HN: Alberta is home to a highly skilled and educated workforce. The presence of renowned universities, research institutions, and technical colleges contributes to a
talent pool equipped with the expertise required to drive technological innovation, especially in important areas such as Artificial Intelligence.
The Alberta technology sector also benefits from a collaborative ecosystem, where industry leaders, startups,
2022 2023
academic institutions, and government entities work together to foster innovation and growth. This facilitates knowledge exchange, networking, and the sharing of best practices, ultimately propelling the entire sector forward. Alberta’s government and key organizations have also taken proactive measures to support the technology sector’s growth through grants, funding programs, and incubators.
AEC: What about the intangibles?
Alberta has a culture of creativity and problem-solving, which fuels technological advancements and disruptive ideas. The spirit of entrepreneurship and the willingness to take risks are key drivers of growth in the technology sector.
AEC: What does your crystal ball tell you about the future of tech in Alberta?
HN: I envision a promising future where technology emerges as a major catalyst for Alberta’s economy, firmly establishing the province as a prominent tech hub. Alberta will take center stage in transformative industries such as AI, health tech, agtech, and climate tech. We will witness the rise of high- growth tech companies originating from our own backyard, while also attracting renowned global tech players to set up their operations in Alberta.
AEC: And McRock Capital is helping to shape this future...
HN: At McRock, we are thrilled and privileged to contribute our modest efforts towards realizing this vision. We recognize the tremendous potential of Alberta’s tech ecosystem and are committed to playing our part in shaping its bright future.

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