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  Mark Blackwell
Mark met Builders Managing Partner Jim Kim while he was working in venture capital with Cenovus, and Kim was at Khosla Ventures. They have been friends ever since. Mark joined Builders in 2018 and hasn’t looked back.
 AEC: Your relationship with Kim Jim goes back years. Tell us more.
Mark Blackwell: Jim served as one of my active mentors at Formation8 and helped me launch my own software firm after leaving Cenovus. The two of us remained in touch throughout the years before I sold my business in 2015.
After completing my final earn-out, I considered starting my own fund, making some local angel investments. I got in touch with Jim, who was starting Builders VC. After returning from my sabbatical in 2018, I made the decision to join the firm since the thesis was so appealing.
AEC: When did you become a Partner and how did this change your role in the firm?
MB: I joined the team as a General Partner when we introduced Fund II in December 2020 and had the opportunity to collaborate with everyone on strategy and fundraising as we introduced our second investment vehicle.
Outside of the structural changes of my role and assisting on the fundraising trial, I’ve continued to be an active member of the investment committee. My investment scope now spans Canada and the US.
AEC: What are some of the unique things that your fund brings to Alberta?
MB: Our overarching thesis of the modernization of antiquated industries is something that aligned 100% with the changing economy and landscape here in Alberta. We have a core focus on industrials, agriculture, construction and healthcare – which are pillars of the Alberta economy.
2022 2023
AEC: What is the secret to Builders’ success?
MB: With a team that is spread across North America, we have access to an unrivalled network of partners and investors who can help support the growth of our firms. We understand what it takes to create hugely scalable businesses in our core industries.
Builders also has a number of operating and venture partners who work with our businesses every day, many of whom were formerly titans of the sector and now help several of our CEOs.
AEC: What jumps out about the current state of Alberta’s technology sector?
MB: The ecosystem has evolved significantly since we originally launched Builders in 2018. Alberta has become known for attracting and retaining immense talent.
This has been aided by a number of incredible repeat entrepreneurs, anchor tenants like Solium, Benevity, Jobber, and Symend.
AEC: What are your predictions for the future?
MB: We have never been more optimistic. We have some of the world’s greatest incubators and accelerators. With the help of incredible initiatives like CDL, Thrive, 500 Startups, and Plug and Play, we are beginning to build an extraordinarily strong pipeline of businesses that are beginning to grow and exhibit real promise.

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