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 7. Steward capital responsibly by preserving the capital on our investments and being an engaged LP.
AEC recognizes our role as a steward of public capital, and we ensure that the funds under our management are selected and governed responsibly. In accordance with the goals of our mission, we invest in VC funds that present a sound risk/reward case for creating benefits to Albertans as well as preserving the investment capital.
 Our strategies are driven to achieve the following outcomes:
Intermediate outcomes (for fiscal 2022/23):
1. Increased access to smart Venture Capital for AB companies
2. A blend of capital from managers internal and external to Alberta
3. Stimulated investment in Alberta knowledge-based industries
Ultimate outcomes (beyond fiscal 2022/23):
4. A thriving and self-sustaining VC industry in Alberta
5. Return to the Province its investment capital
 The Ministry of Technology and Innovation has identified the following outcomes and performance measure and target specifically for AEC:
Outcome: Investment and trade are driving Alberta’s economic recovery and growth
Performance metric: Cumulative value of AEC attracted Venture Capital funds (and their syndicate partners) invested in Alberta businesses ($ millions).
Target: 2022/23
$856 million
 2023/24 $934 million 2024/25 $1,011 million
2022 2023

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