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In addition, we measure our results by using our own Key Performance Indicators with set targets.
Intermediate Outcomes (fiscal 2022/23)
1. Increased access to smart Venture Capital for Alberta companies
2. A blend of capital from managers internal and external to Alberta
3. Stimulated investment in Alberta knowledge-based companies
KPI linked to outcome
Total AEC fund commitments to date (# funds approved and legally closed)6
Number of funds with headquarters in AB in AEC’s portfolio7
Total Alberta portfolio companies in AEC portfolio that have received capital8
Total $ invested by AEC funds and syndicate partners into AB companies9
Ratio of total invested by AEC funds and syndicate partners into AB companies10
Strategy linked to outcome
1. Create a portfolio that provides multisector and multi-stage matching capital to Alberta deal flow.
3. Attract new VCs to Alberta.
5. Find and champion fund solutions that address critical gaps.
6. Help build local Alberta-based funds and managers.
2. Invest in VCs that establish (or maintain) an AB focus and presence and bring key investment skills to Alberta.
3. Attract new VCs to Alberta.
4. Re-invest in high performing existing funds managers.
6. Help build local Alberta-based funds and managers.
1. Create a portfolio that provides multisector and multi-stage matching capital to Alberta deal flow
2. Invest in VCs that establish
(or maintain) an AB focus and presence and bring key investment skills to Alberta.
3. Attract new VCs to Alberta.
4. Re-invest in high performing existing fund managers.
5. Find and champion fund solutions that address critical gaps.
6. Help build local Alberta-based funds and managers.
            2022 2023
6 The total number of VC funds in AEC’s portfolio to date and for the current fiscal year funds approved by the Board and that have been formally / legally closed. Includes all current and past active and inactive funds that meet the aforementioned criteria, including funds that have been concluded or terminated early. Source: internal AEC.
7 The current number of headquartered Venture Capital funds in Alberta. A fund is considered to be headquartered in Alberta if the fund has been legally closed and the Management Company is incorporated in Alberta or if more than 50% of the GP are working in a location based in Alberta. Only the active funds in AEC’s portfolio that are headquartered in AB would be counted for this metric. Source: fund activity reports
8 The total number of Alberta companies that have received investment capital from funds in AEC’s portfolio. For the purpose of this requirement a Portfolio Company will be considered an Alberta company if it is incorporated in Alberta or more than 50% of employees work at a location in Alberta. Source: fund activity reports and fund quarterly financials.
9 Total dollars invested in Alberta companies by AEC’s funds and their syndicate partners. USD investments are converted to CAD using exchange rate on the actual date of the investment. Source: fund activity reports and fund quarterly financials.
10 Total dollars invested in Alberta companies by AEC’s funds and their syndicate partners divided by total paid into funds by AEC (including fees). USD investments are converted to CAD using exchange rate on the actual date of the investment. Source: fund activity reports, fund quarterly financials and AEC financial statements.

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