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Our Purpose is Defined by Future Now Thinking
1. To attract Venture Capital (VC) and VC firms to Alberta
2. To invest in VC funds that invest in Alberta technology companies
3. To build and promote a viable and profitable VC industry in Alberta
4. To assist Alberta tech startups through this VC activity
5. To help create high value technology jobs in the province
Through AEC’s arm’s-length Venture Capital model, the province benefits not only from the potential return on our VC fund investments, but also in the creation of a local VC industry with resident professionals who support a stronger, more diversified economy.
Our Mission
AEC’s mission is to foster a thriving Venture Capital industry in Alberta, one that provides access to Venture Capital and other resources needed to create successful Alberta technology companies.
 “Through our investments in funds that support Alberta tech ventures, and our industry development activities, we provide Alberta technology companies with more than
just money. We provide them with critical access to markets, mentorship and management expertise.”
Ted Redmond,
Chair, AEC
  2022 2023

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