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The future will be determined by the efforts we put in today.
For AEC, that work began when we made our first investment in 2010. Just over a decade later, we have seen impressive and tangible results.
It is reflected in regional economic development, financial return on the investment, as well the growth and development of an Alberta-based VC industry. Here are some examples of the successes we have achieved.
2022 2023
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Change in dollars invested into Alberta companies from 2013 to 2023, divided by dollars invested into Alberta companies in 2013. Source: Alberta Enterprise
For every job in the technology subsector an estimated 4.8 additional jobs are created or supported. CompTIA Cyberstates 2021 Report and E Moretti, The New Geography of Jobs.
1. Establishing access to smart capital.
AEC has committed $332 million for investment in 31 funds. In turn, these funds contribute to our economy – and most importantly – provide the essential capital Alberta companies require to successfully bring their products and ideas to market.
By investing strategically, we have leveraged our $332 million capital commitments and created access to close to $4.6 billion of investment capital (13.8:1 leverage).
2. Investments into Alberta companies.
Our VCs and their partners have already invested over $1.13 billion in 76 Alberta technology companies. Every $1 invested
by AEC has resulted in more than $5.43 of investments back into Alberta companies. The amount of investment in Alberta companies has increased by more than 1,300% in the last nine years1 and is expected to grow significantly over the
10-year life of these funds.
3. Creation of jobs.
4. Delivering financial return on investment for Alberta taxpayers.
Every $1 invested by AEC is currently worth $1.35, meaning the value of the investments plus distributions received to date exceeds the capital called for investments and fees.
The realized gains from our investments
have outpaced AEC’s operating costs since inception. By adhering to stringent budgeting and operational practices that are respectful of our role as a taxpayer-funded entity, we are delivering on our mandate in a cost-effective way.
The results of our efforts are already evident. AEC has been instrumental in providing
advice, guidance and strategic support to the ecosystem, and our efforts are seen as critical to the VC industry’s success.
The value of our investments is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, while also generating more investments in Alberta companies. In turn, this growth will serve to create more high value jobs and tax revenue in the province.
For complete results view the Management Discussion and Analysis section.
 The 76 companies that have received Venture Capital from our funds have created more than 2,890 direct jobs and
an estimated 13,800 indirect jobs2 in Alberta.

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